For participants - Fo2 International School

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Participant's presentations
Oral presentations:
Oral presentations will take palce every day from 13.30 to ca. 14.20 (CEST) (preliminary time schedule). You will have 12 minutes in total, including time for questions/discussion. We therefore suggest to prepare a talk of about 8-10 minutes.
For on-site participants: Your slides have to be sent to or uploaded in the computer of the lecture room (staff will be present for help) by the day before your lecture. Maximum file size is 100 MB. The reccommended aspect ratio is 16:9 (but 4:3 will work as well). Accepted formats are ppt, pptx and pdf. Name the file with your surname first and then the type of presentation (e.g., Simpson_Talk_on-site.pptx).
For online participants: In the Zoom Events platform, you will be given access as panelist and then you will be able to share the screen and start your presentation.

The precise time schedule of your oral presentations can be found in the Program page.

On-site Poster presentations:
On-site participants will have to bring their poster in A0 format (portrait). Poster sessions are planned for the late afternoons of September 6th, 7th and 8th. You will have to place your poster on the poster board on September 6th and then take it back on September 8th after the Poster session or on September 9th by lunch time.
To allow also the online participants to see your poster and communicate with you, we planned also for an online space (in Zoom Events) where to upload the contents of your presentation and where you can be available for a short time (45 minutes during one of the poster sessions) for a meeting with any interested online participant. You will be given access to a room where to connect to Zoom Events with your laptop (note that Zoom works also with a mobile phone). If you agree to share your presentation online, please then follow also the instructions below for online participants.

Online Poster presentations:
You will be able to share your digital poster in the 'Expo' section of the same Zoom Event platform used for the lectures and practicals. For this, you will have to send us either a pdf version of your poster (up to 15 MB), a set of five figures (Required image dimensions: 1920x1080 pixels. JPG/JPEG/PNG files only, maximum image size: 10MB), or both (send to or use the Google folder that have been shared with you on August 9th 2022). Please do so by September 3rd at the latest. These files will be uploaded in a page dedicated to your poster (called 'Booth'), within the 'Expo' section of the online event. All participants will be then able to download your pdf file and/or visualize online the possible figures you want to show. In the booth, you will be able to start a meeting and chat with interested attendees.

The time schedule of the poster presentations, with the detailed times in which each of you will have to be in the on-site poster area and/or online, can be found in the Program page.

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Gruppo Nazionale di Petrografia
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